Why is Social Media Important?

In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential part of our daily lives, providing a platform for connection, communication, and community building. At Mission Point Healthcare, we believe that engaging our residents in social media is not just beneficial but crucial for their overall well-being and our collective mission. Here’s why:

Enhancing Resident Well-Being

1. Social Connection: Social media offers residents an opportunity to stay connected with family and friends, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness. Especially in a skilled nursing  environment, maintaining these connections is vital for emotional health. When residents share updates, photos, or simply chat with loved ones, it fosters a sense of belonging and community.

2. Mental Stimulation: Engaging with social media can provide mental stimulation through new information, conversations, and interactive content. It can be a tool for residents to learn new things, stay informed about the world, and engage in meaningful discussions, which can help keep their minds active and engaged.

Strengthening the Mission Point Community

3. Building a Supportive Community: By encouraging social media engagement, employees help build a supportive online community where residents can share their experiences and support one another. This virtual community complements the physical community within our facilities, enhancing the sense of solidarity and mutual support among residents.

4. Showcasing Our Culture and Values: Active social media participation by residents allows us to showcase the vibrant and caring culture at Mission Point. Sharing their stories, achievements, and daily activities highlights our commitment to providing a fulfilling and enriching environment, which can attract new residents and positively impact our reputation.

Promoting Positive Interactions

5. Encouraging Intergenerational Connections: Social media bridges generational gaps, allowing younger family members to easily communicate and interact with residents. These intergenerational connections can be incredibly enriching for residents, providing fresh perspectives and joyful interactions that might not happen as frequently offline.

6. Fostering Resident Empowerment: When residents share their thoughts, hobbies, and daily lives on social media, it empowers them to express themselves and feel valued. This empowerment can lead to increased self-esteem and a greater sense of purpose.

Practical Benefits for Mission Point

7. Enhancing Marketing and Outreach: Resident engagement on social media can serve as authentic and powerful testimonials of the quality of life at Mission Point. Prospective residents and their families often look to social media for real-life insights into our community, making resident stories and interactions an invaluable part of our marketing efforts.

8. Feedback and Improvement: Social media can be a platform for feedback where residents and their families share their thoughts and experiences. This feedback can help us continually improve our services and better meet the needs and expectations of our residents.

How Employees Can Help

To help our residents engage with social media, employees can:

    • Provide Assistance: Help residents set up and manage their social media accounts.
    • Create Content: Encourage and assist residents in creating posts, sharing photos, or writing updates.
    • Facilitate Interaction: Organize social media events or campaigns that involve residents and promote interaction.
    • Offer Training: Conduct basic training sessions on how to use social media safely and effectively.

By actively supporting our residents’ social media engagement, Mission Point employees play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life for our residents and strengthening our community. Together, we can harness the power of social media to create a more connected, empowered, and vibrant Mission Point family.


Liesel Ryan
Director of Brand Management
[email protected]