Mission Point’s Centralized Intake and Admissions Program:

A Triumph Spearheaded by Mallory Fick


In a testament to dedication and leadership, Mission Point celebrates the remarkable efforts of Mallory Fick, whose vision and tireless commitment have led to the successful implementation of the company’s new Centralized Intake and Admissions program.

Since its launch, the program has not only revitalized Mission Point’s census trends but has also reaffirmed its mission to provide care to deserving residents. Mallory’s determination and collaborative spirit have been instrumental in navigating the challenges and complexities inherent in such a transformative initiative.

Countless late nights and early mornings were spent in collaboration with offshore intake teams, executive leadership, American Health Partners, and facility leaders. Through her resolve and meticulous attention to detail, Mallory has overseen a challenging transition, ensuring the program’s efficacy and sustainability.

As Mission Point’s census trends swing back in the right direction, it is clear that Mallory’s dedication has made a profound impact on the organization’s ability to fulfill its mission. We extend our heartfelt appreciation and thank you to Mallory and all involved parties for their hard work and dedication. We also acknowledge the patience and open-mindedness of the facility leadership, whose support has been invaluable throughout this process.

Mallory Fick’s contributions go far beyond her role, embodying the spirit of going above and beyond. Let us express our gratitude for her outstanding achievements and dedication to Mission Point’s success.

Thank you,

Kelly R. Dines
Vice President of Clinical Operations